Monday, May 4, 2015


Teachers strike May 5, 2015 in Italian cities

Teachers strike May 5, 2015: routes, timetables and squares in different Italian cities

All set to the general strike of teachers on 5 May 2015, here are the paths and squares of the protest.

The school prepares the general strike on May 5, 2015 , a protest involving teachers, trade unions and students and will be held in major Italian cities with established tracks. Here is a series of useful information for those wishing to participate in the demonstrations against the Good School of Government Renzi .

Paths and squares of the strike School May 5, 2015

All set to the general strike of the school , even the routes and meeting places for the demonstrations have been established and made ​​public for those who wish to participate in the protest against the Good School Renzi. Not only teachers and professors, as well as trade unions, students and parents, all the streets in major Italian cities. It is not easy to organize events of this lead and is also why the FLC CGIL has published on its website a series of information about routes and meeting places with a lot of map city by city.
  • Milan : the meeting place is fixed Republic Square. The march will mobilize at 10.00 / 15.10 to get to the Arch of Peace
  • Palermo : the demonstrators will meet at 09.00 am in Piazza Marina to get to Piazza Verdi
  • Rome : The march will start from Piazza della Repubblica to get to Piazza del Popolo where you can attend to different interventions on stage specially dedicated
  • Aosta : the meeting was set at 09.30 in Piazza Chanoux
  • Bari : teachers will meet in Piazza Castello at 09.00 to get to Piazza Prefecture
  • Catania : Catania also in the procession will move starting from 09.00 from Europe Square to reach Piazza Roma
  • Cagliari : Teachers will move from Piazza Giovanni XXIII starting at 09:30 to arrive in Piazza del Carmina
As stated previously, all relevant information is available on the official website of the FLC CGIL. If you are interested in the school and you want to stay current, I invite you to click the "Follow" to receive the latest news.

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