Monday, May 4, 2015


Hofreiter calls for GDL strike out for bargaining unit law

Germany - 09.32 Clock: The leader of the Greens parliamentary group, Anton Hofreiter, calls the from the proposed bargaining unit, the law in the light of new strikes on the railways. The government should withdraw the draft law, "wegzukriegen to this reinforced competition of the union," said the radio station Hofreiter NDR Info. In labor dispute at Deutsche Bahn, it is also important that the GDL and the EDC intends to conclude collective agreements for each employee in the same areas of responsibility. Hofreiter said, "the appearance of the GDL, in particular its chairman, is often totally inept". The consequences of the strikes were uncomfortable. However, if the right to strike will be made dependent on the consequences of the strikes for others, "then it is quickly complicated". The policy is called "perform an arbitrator and not exacerbating". The federal government should sign "moderating" to speak.

German Civil Service Association recommends GDL to an arbitration

07.28 Clock: Given the new strike by train drivers union GDL in this week, making the chair of the relevant umbrella organization German Civil Service Federation (DBB) strongly for mediation. "If this strike does not lead to a result of the negotiations, it will be useful to have recourse to an independent third party," said DDB boss Klaus Dauderstädt the "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" (Monday edition). The GDL is a member of the DBB.Before the train had indicated that it had asked the German train drivers union (GDL) to arbitration. "So far, the GDL has not received it," it said, according to "SZ".

SPD leader does not understand Weselsky

06.19 Clock: The new strike notice the train drivers' union GDL encounters in the grand coalition to sharp criticism. "The wage dispute at the railway is for outsiders barely understand," said SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) of the "Bild" newspaper. The period beginning on Monday walkout by train drivers will "take total heavy commuters and travelers, as well as the German Railway and the entire German economy."

All stakeholders would wonder if the damage caused by the strike still "in a reasonable relationship to the actual dispute" stand, said the Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Economics. "Paralyze Germany Instead, we need serious negotiations," urged Gabriel.

The deputy chairman of the CDU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Michael Fuchs (CDU), told the paper that GDL will "at a risk for the business location Germany". The economic damages of the strike were "enormous", a halt in the cargo area leads after a few days "to millions of expensive production losses".

Replacement schedule for Berlin S-Bahn

Monday, 20.05 clock: The Berlin S-Bahn has submitted a replacement schedule early Monday morning. He shall apply for the announced strike of train drivers' union GDL from Tuesday morning to strikers on Sunday morning, said the S-Bahn Berlin GmbH. As with the previous strikes the circle line will be shut down, because there are good alternatives to subways, buses and trams here. In addition, S75, S8 and S85 do not drive the S25, the S47. The S7 uses only the portion between Marzahn and the Alexanderplatz, the S5 travels only between Strausberg and Alexanderplatz. On all traffic lines a 20-minute intervals applies.

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