Thursday, April 30, 2015


Australia withdraws ambassador

The outrage over the execution of two in Indonesia for heroin trafficking convicted Australians is large. For the government in Canberra, the response is a diplomatic balancing act.Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced on Wednesday morning to withdraw the ambassador from Indonesia and ministerial contacts remain suspended until further notice. Thus Australia protested against the execution of two Australians who had been convicted in 2006 for heroin trafficking in Indonesia to death. Until recently, Canberra had appealed to the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo, serving the sentence suspended - by grace and out of consideration before a pending legal examination of only this year surfaced allegations of corrupt judges in the criminal case against the two accused. Indonesia but stood firm and let the two Australians, along with six other drug dealers at night shoot on Wednesday.

Important partners

Australia respects Indonesia's sovereignty, but deeply regret that Indonesia had not shown the grace that for its own citizens so often ask the country, it said in a statement. At a press conference called Abbott the withdrawal of the ambassador as an exceptional measure, which underline the seriousness of the situation. It was a "dark moment" for relations with Australia Indonesia. At the same time he reassured his compatriots. Although he understood their anger, but you should not continue to deteriorate a bad situation. Relations between Australia and Indonesia are important and will in future become even more important.

In fact, Australia is good stuff at stake. Indonesia is by far the largest economy in Southeast Asia and Australia hopes to significantly expand economic relations with near neighbors in the future. Today Indonesia is indeed the ninth largest buyer of Australian exports (particularly wheat, sugar and livestock), but with a share of only 2.1 percent. Indonesia is mainly but also an important partner in regional security policy in the fight against terrorism and for Australia - as part of the mainly domestically motivated tightening of asylum policy - the tractor system.

It was Abbott's stated goal after he took office in September 2013 to strengthen ties with Indonesia, which is also reflected in its foreign policy motto "more Jakarta, less Geneva" reflects. However, so far little success it was so granted. With Widodos predecessor, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Australia had indeed maintained good relations for many years. The ratio had initially but suffered a setback after 2013 got along, that the Australian slouch hats Yudhoyono's phone and that his wife had bugged. Even Australia's unilateral decision, boat migrants who settle from Indonesia to Australia to force at sea to turn back since the end of 2013, has never met in Jakarta on reciprocal love. Care of Australia despite all kind-hearted Yudhoyono has Canberra not made it easier to overcome tensions with neighbors.

Development aid as a trump

The biggest trump card, the Australia, meanwhile, has against Indonesia in his hand, is development cooperation. Alone in the current financial year 2014-15 raises Australia 605 million Australian dollars, or about 460 million Swiss francs in favor of sustainable economic development, good governance and stability in Indonesia; no other country receives from Australia funds on this scale. When asked by a journalist whether Australia intends to reduce this aid after the recent events, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said only: "The aid budget is subject to different considerations and announcements in this regard may be made on the occasion of the budget initially."

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